2023 ~ 40 Over 40

Client Profile


What personality trait do you love about yourself?

I'd say I have two. my first one would be my curiosity.  I think that has been such an important piece of my journey as an entrepreneur. Being in San Francisco and then moving back here about 10 years ago, starting my business and being this person that's really curious about the world.  I’m always looking at how to make the world better, more efficient, problem solving, and really digging into what that could look like and where we can be helpful. So I'm a very curious person.

 My second one would be my humor. I think it has been helpful, because as an entrepreneur, it can be really difficult. It can be very lonely. It's been a huge trait of mine that I have grown to be an important vein of my whole life.

 What is your definition of success?

My definition of success is really doing what you love. It reminds me of a quote that I heard that says, "Success is never final." And I think that's an important thing to remember as we're going through this journey and that success isn't about being perfect. that when you become successful, that life isn’t going to be perfect or easy.  it really isn't about that destination but rather the journey.

Speaking to younger women, what wonderful things can women look forward to at our age?

I would say things to look forward to, really feeling more settled and content with who we are as women. I'm not trying to beat myself up so much about the things that I'm not as good at. 

I think that's been really freeing and liberating where I'm a lot happier with who I am as a person, what I've accomplished, and what I continue to accomplish. There is a part that is really freeing. It takes up so much mind capacity when you're frustrated and you feel other negative thoughts about yourself. Moving into this next phase of life has been really empowering.

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