2024 ~ 40 Over 40
Pearls of Wisdom
What are your thoughts on aging?
I understand that aging is part of the circle of life. After a rare diagnosis in 2015, I remind myself to live the best life one day at a time. To find joy, love, and laughter. Currently at the age I am today, I cherish the word “gracefully”, because I am aging “gracefully”.
What wonderful things can women look forward to at your age?
Everyone wants to be loved. Learn to love yourself first. Take life one day at a time. Everyone wants to be happy, do what you’re happy doing.
Share tips on how you celebrate yourself, what you do for fun and self-care.
Just Live, Love, and Laugh. Get together with friends, or a friend for Coffee/Lunch/Dinner to talk, laugh, and even share tears. Sharing is caring right? But, for the most part, look at each day as a NEW DAY. Leave yesterday behind. And if that door you just opened does not work for you, remember many more paths lead you to YOUR door.
What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?
My greatest challenge was surviving a stem cell transplant. It was a rare diagnosis, but thanks to medical science there was a treatment plan. One year of treatment and the next was healing. And thanks to my loving and supportive family and friends I made it!
Who inspired you as a little girl? Who inspires you now?
My inspiration was from my Mother and Grandmother. My grandmother was always patient and so loving. My Mother is a breast cancer survivor. I was her rock to lean on and she was mine. Our minds and hearts are now so connected.
What is the best advice you have been given?
The best advice I was given was from a very dear friend of mine. We were never close friends in Highschool, but got close after attending our 30th class reunion. In 2022 I suffered with depression. Life was so hard. My fiancé’s older sister passed away and I decided I was not going to attend her memorial. I called my friend about my situation. Her exact words to me were, “listen here! you’ve been through the worst already, you need to get up, fix that hair, put your best make up and clothes on and take his hand, smile and be there for him. Cause he really needs your support.” And I’m glad I did.