2024 ~ 40 Over 40
Pearls of Wisdom
What are your thoughts on aging?
Aging is a beautiful part of our soul's journey. It offers opportunities for growth, reflection, deeper connections with ourselves and others, and for me, a great appreciation for life. Each year can bring new lessons and insights, enriching our understanding of life and our purpose. At 53, I am finding increasingly that I am learning to navigate through health concerns, thinking about what matters, finding “me” moments, planning for more travel, and what is my next project.
How is your age group relevant?
Well, folks in our age group can be considered relevant through shared experiences, challenges, and interests that define this stage of life. We can share similar cultural experiences, values, and societal influences. Our age group chats about family, personal health, planning for retirement, empty nesting, grandparenting, and caring for aging parents.
Younger women, might think it’s scary getting older. What wonderful things can women look forward to at your age?
Younger women have a lot to look forward to like personal growth (confidence, self-acceptance), financial stability, and healthier relationships with oneself and others. While the list does go on, it's the details of how this applies to you, and how you navigate it that makes the process, acceptance, and growth very significant and worthy.
Share tips on how you celebrate yourself, what you do for fun, and self care.
My plate is always full, always.
Often I do not know how I get through the day or week. Motto: God, Family, Work. A great relationship with God gets me through everything. So, I take time to work on my spirit, mind, body and soul.
Parts of my devoted time includes attending gospel services and Sunday school, participating in the church choir (2nd soprano), band (flute), orchestra, singing solos and in a quartet (Daughters of Judah), making floral arrangements that decorates a smaller branch, and embracing opportunities to attend and visit saints at our outer island branches.
There was a time when I was an avid volleyball player, biggest die-hard fan on the courts and in the sand. These days, injuries plague me and now I struggle to get in the pool or take walks, but I am doing it all to take care of myself and lower my A1C and cholesterol. When I am out for a swim, and a walk – I know I am doing good for me.
Crafting and or planning family shenanigans is my jam. I’m usually looking for the next project or the next holiday, hehehe. I enjoy floral arranging as it brings me joy and peace to pick and place strategically items that form something so beautiful.
Other ways I spend time on me: Once in a while, I treat myself to a spa or pedi/mani day. I also enjoy trying new recipes, or new restaurants. There is a monthly potluck at work, and I get to try and create new items. Also, I have been trying to travel more – and yes, always planning or searching for places to go.
What is your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?
A little too personal and maybe specific answer, but I have had to overcome molestation, having experienced it at a young age I spiraled through puberty into my 20s in a negative light. In my 30s, I was able to find peace with it when I knew that Jesus had taken my burdens away, completely. This stain on my heart, body, and mind was lifted from me forever, and was no longer bound to it. This topic still brings tears to my eyes because I relate to it internally, but I am no longer imprisoned.
Share one experience or piece of advice that would lift other women up and empower them.
Knowing is only half the battle; Action is the other half. Victory is ahead! But don't let a moment of delay or setback hinder you. Tomorrow will be better - for real!
What would you tell your 14-year-old self?
Know that with every test and trial, there is Victory to be Won! Yes, You Can!
What is your definition of success?
My definition of success used to be about having a solid career, family, and wealth---while those are absolutely great things to have, nowadays success is lowering my A1C, making it to church, and paying off my car loan. The big things are great to strive for, but the little things take us to the big things.
Who inspired you as a little girl? Who inspires you now?
My mother inspired me as a little girl, she did it all.
Multiple women in my life inspire me in different ways, but I will have to say my Aunty Wendy.
Share anything else you want here.
Mahalo nui loa Monica - for the opportunity to self-explore and experience ME in a different light. Making memories.