2023 ~ 40 Over 40

Client Profile


 What would you tell your 14 year old self?

Thinking back to my 14-year-old self, that was undoubtedly a challenging phase. Puberty, the complexities of transitioning into womanhood while still wrestling with immaturity, and the unique dynamics of an all-girls school made it a tough time. If I could go back, I would whisper some invaluable advice to my younger self: don't be overly concerned about what others think of you. Instead, channel that energy into nurturing positive self-talk and self-acceptance. It's crucial to avoid getting caught up in the opinions of others and the trap of comparison. While I've embraced this wisdom as I've matured into the woman I am today, sharing this perspective with my 14-year-old self would have undoubtedly lightened the burden I carried during those adolescent years.

What was your greatest challenge? and importantly how did you overcome it?

One of my most significant challenges was being trapped in an abusive marriage while raising my daughter with very limited resources. I found myself relying on government assistance, living with my mother, attempting to navigate the complexities of being a newlywed and a new mom simultaneously. It took immense courage, but I made the difficult decision to leave that abusive relationship. Fast forward to today, I am honored to hold the position of Chief Operating Officer at a robust non-profit organization, the Council for Native Point Advancement. Reflecting on my journey, the achievements I've accomplished astound me. If I were to meet my 20-year-old self, I wouldn't have believed I could achieve such success. The adversity I faced back then fueled my determination to thrive and pushed me to become a better version of myself.

What best piece of advice have you been given?

The best advice I received came from a friend who emphasized the importance of being present. As I read, listened to podcasts, and engaged with diverse individuals, I realized the profound truth in this wisdom. It's all about living in the moment, not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

As women, we often find ourselves entangled in thoughts of what we could've, should've, or would've done differently. However, the key lies in appreciating the present, in acknowledging the journey we've had so far, and in being genuinely content with every twist and turn life has thrown my way. Embracing the now, finding joy in every experience, and being grateful for everything that has shaped my life until this moment has been transformative advice that I cherish.

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