2023 ~ 40 Over 40

Client Profile


What would you tell your 14 year old self now?

My 14 year old self, I would say, to not care what other people think about you. Find your own happiness, because if you don't find your own happiness, you're not being your true self. Once you get to be old enough to enjoy your happiness, you forget what made you happy. We're so busy, pleasing other people, even at 14, that we forget as women in general to take care of ourselves. So find what makes you happy, remember we're all unique, and everybody has their quirks.

What is your favorite personality trait about yourself?

My favorite personality trait is my optimism. I have moved so much. Each area has good good things and bad things about it. You've got to make the best of whatever situation you're in and remember there's always a silver lining. Bad things happen all the time- to all of us -to everybody but they happen for a reason. Sometimes it's to make it stronger, sometimes we're just not ready for certain things, but those bad things will end and you can look forward to the happy moments.

What is your favorite quote?

My dad has told me since I was young, “I could do anything I put my mind to.” And that's why he said, “it doesn't matter what I want to do, try it. I might succeed, I might not. But as long as I try, I did it.” If we don't try, we'll never know how good we are or how bad we are at some things

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