2023 ~ 40 Over 40
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What would you tell your 14 year old self?
I was a very awkward 14 year old, so I would tell myself, you're pretty. I didn't think I was pretty, and I would tell myself, you're going to meet amazing people through your journey. And some of them, you're going to be friends for a long time.
One of my good friends, I've known since I was three, another one was 11, and we're still friends to this day. I’d tell myself that you're going to meet really awesome people in your life, and you can do whatever you set your mind to. Don't worry about the physical part, you're just great the way you are. It's all about the people who surround yourself right in the end.
What personality trait do you like about yourself?
I'm curious. I like to learn new things, which is why I have my hands into all kinds of things. I have my science life. I have my artsy life. I like to cook. I like to sew. Obviously I like to surf. I like to try new things. I like pickleball. It’s about trying new things. I think you need to be curious.
What brings you joy?
I like to share knowledge. That was really great. Really loved supporting my students, and inspiring them, or helping them on their journey. So that was really great.
Sewing, obviously, is my go -to. I'm probably the happiest when I'm sitting in my sewing machine or coming up with a new design.
Surfing is my happy place as well. I can just be out there, and the only thing that matters is the next wave.
And, of course, my family. Spending time with family brings me a lot of joy. Currently everyone is a little separated because of university, but we got to spend a nice long weekend on the big island in July all together. Now we're experiencing that empty nester life and discovering, or having time for our fun and hobbies.