2023 ~ 40 Over 40

Client Profile


Age: 45

Occupation: Resort General Manager of The Modern, a Hilton Vacation Club


Speaking to younger women, what wonderful things can women look forward to at your age?

At my age, I am starting to really be able to enjoy watching the fruits of my labor flourish.  Between raising an amazing daughter to mentoring others throughout my career, this is the time where I get to enjoy watching them succeed and take their next steps.  You can also look forward to having such greater clarity of the world around you because you’ve been around for a while now, lol!  You can also start to look forward to your body starting to remind you that you are no longer in your 20’s!


Share one experience or piece of advice that would lift other women up and empower them.

My advice to empower other women is BE BOLD, BE FEARLESS!  Take on that project, participate in that event, take that trip, sit in the front of the class, speak up for all to hear, stand your ground, be willing to step outside your comfort zone!  Know that you control your destiny and believe that you are destined for greatness!


Share tips on how you celebrate yourself.

I work really hard, so I treat myself often.  My way of celebrating myself is to give back in the form of self care.  Whether it’s going for a massage, getting my hair or nails done, or even just dining in a restaurant that I’ve never tried, self care is what I enjoy!  I also like to celebrate with my closest friends and ohana so a day in the park with some wine and charcuterie board is a perfect day for me!


Who inspired you as a little girl? Who inspires you now?

My mother was always my biggest inspiration growing up and remains my biggest inspiration today.  She taught me the value of earning what I wanted, how to be thoughtful, well mannered, hard working, honest, and generous.  My mother always worked really hard but always made time to make others feel special and it’s something that has always resonated with me.  She always taught my siblings and I to have integrity and be there to lift others up, which really has shaped me into the woman I am today.  I love you, Mom!

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